Seed Starter Pack (Granular Fertilizer) | Yard Mastery For Cheap

Seed Starter Pack (Granular Fertilizer): Whether you are looking to aerate and overseed an existing lawn to thicken it up or completely start from scratch with seed on bare ground, the Seeding Support Pack has everything you need to give that seed the push and protection it needs to establish quick and deep.
**SAVE 15% vs Buying Separately!!
This pack includes the following items:
- (1) 18 lb bag 12-12-12 Starter Fertilizer (granular)
- (1) 8 oz bottle Mesotrione – Pre-Emergent Weed Control for Seeding
- (1) quart AIR-8 – Liquid Aeration
- (1) quart RGS – Root Growth Stimulant
- (1) quart Hydretain – Moisture Manager
- (1) empty hose end quart bottle with sprayer head
- FREE exclusive magnet
12-12-12 Starter Fert: Starter Fert Fixes Everything! The perfect balance of macros and micros. 12% Nitrogen (for top growth), Phosphorous (for root growth), and Potassium and Magnesium (for all-around support) PLUS micros: chelated iron, water-soluble manganese, and water-soluble zinc. Spiked with all-natural bio-nite to increase microbial activity.
- 0-0-5 AIR-8: This liquid aeration is potassium hydroxide and humic acid. It penetrates hard soils, breaking bonds as if they move, creating space. This allows for better water and nutrient penetration as well as rooting.
- 0-0-1 RGS: This bio-stimulant is packed with hormones from sea kelp that stimulate roots and stolons rhizomes coupled with chelating humic and fulvic. Sea kelp is an essential bio-stimulant at seeding.
- Hydretain: This product makes use of moisture that would otherwise be lost to evaporation, reducing the watering requirements of lawns, landscapes, and gardens up to 50% or more. The most important task when seeding a lawn is proper watering – Hydretain can help by making the water you apply, go further.
- Mesotrione – Pre-Emergent: (brand alternative – Tenacity®) is a unique herbicide utilized best as a pre-emergent when seeding.
- 12-12-12 Starter Fert at 3lbs 1,000 sq ft
- AIR-8 Liquid Aeration at 6 oz 1,000 sq ft
- RGS Root Growth Stimulant at 3 oz 1,000 sq ft
- Hydretain Moisture Manager at 6 oz 1,000 sq ft
- Mesotrione Pre-Emergent Herbicide 1 tsp 1,000 sq ft – NOTE that this product is to be applied with a pump or battery powered sprayer.
Cool-Season Lawns – Kentucky Bluegrass, Turf Type Tall Fescue (all fescues), Ryegrass.
- Warm-Season Lawns – Bermuda, St Augustine, Zoysia, Centipede, Bahia.
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****The Mesotrione in this pack is NOT for use on bentgrass, kikuyugrass, zoysia, seashore paspalum, or Bermuda grass. It is labeled for St. Augustine Grass, but only on sod farms, not home lawns.
Overall, this pack is made for cool-season lawns. Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, and Turf Type Tall Fescue.
You can download a detailed PDF here that gives you more information about this pack and the seeding process overall.
Coverage Starter Fertilizer: (1) 18 lb bag covers up to 6,000 sq ft
RGS: (1) qt covers up to 10,650 sq ft
AIR-8: (1) qt covers up to 5,333 sq ft
Hydretain: (1) qt covers up to 5,000 sq ft
Mesotrione: (1) 8 oz bottle can cover 1 -2 acres of lawn areaApplication Details *See application information above for steps and application information.
Water-In Instructions Once application steps are followed and seed coverage applied, water in products ½ inch, watering throughout.
Blow sweep the excess off sidewalks and driveways to avoid staining.
Product Resources:
Labels: Starter Fertilizer Info, Mesotrione Info, RGS Info, Hydretain Info, AIR-8 InfoPackage Includes: (1) 18 lb bag of Starter Fertilizer, (1) 8 oz bottle of Mesotrione (1) AIR-8 quart, (1) RGS quart, (1) Hydretain quart, (1) hose end sprayer top, (1) empty quart bottle, and (1) exclusive magnet.
Storage: Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. The product will store for 2 years under warehouse conditions.
Shipping Information:Shipping Information:
Shipping Costs
Included for most states within the U.S.
NO P.O. Boxes
$9.95 for CA, WA, ID, UT, NV, MTState Restrictions Alaska (AK), Arizona (AZ), Hawaii (HI), and Oregon (OR) Stickers Yes, free stickers with this order
Typical Delivery Time 4 – 7 business days
Product Type Granular Fertilizer and Liquid Concentrate
Cancel | Return | Exchange All sales are final, no cancellations, returns, or exchanges
Additional Information
Seeding Support Pack Granular Fertilizer © 2025 All Rights Reserved
When finished with the steps above, apply seed coverings such as peat moss or patchmaster. Then give the lawn a good ½ inch watering throughout.
The Starter Fertilizer, RGS, AIR-8, and Hydretain products in this pack are safe for all grass types, such as the following:
Application Information:
Once you have prepared your lawn and or seed bed and your seed is down, apply the following in this order:
Product Description:
Fertilizer, Liquid Aeration, Bio-Stimulants and Sea Kelp, Moisture Manager and Pre-Emergent herbicide to stop weeds. This pack has it all and is designed for lawns up to 5,000 sq ft.Here’s what you get, along with detailed “how to apply” instructions inside: