Hydr8 Liquicure (Soil Surfactant Wetting Agent) | N-Ext Cheap

Hydr8 Liquicure™ is a wetting agent designed to bring greater water-holding capacity to your turf!
- One gallon covers up to 42,600 sq ft
- Hydr8 Liquidcure is a soil-applied block polymer surfactant
- Treats the soil by absorbing strongly onto soil particles
- Improves wetting characteristics of treated water
- Provides residual control with good rewetting performance and long-lasting effect
- Available in multiple sizes*
- 1 Single Quart (32 oz) = covers up to 10,600 sq ft
- 1 Single Gallon (128 oz) = covers up to 42,600 sq ft
Cool-Season Lawns – Kentucky Bluegrass, Turf Type Tall Fescue (all fescues), Ryegrass.
- Warm-Season Lawns – Bermuda, St Augustine, Zoysia, Centipede, Bahia.
Application Information:
You can apply this product with a backpack pump sprayer. If you are using a quart hose-end sprayer, here is a video with instructions.
Hydr8 Liquicure can be applied at any time during the growing season on all grass types, including the following:
Cool-Season Lawns – Kentucky Bluegrass, Turf Type Tall Fescue (all fescues), Ryegrass.
A Note from Allyn:
Many of you will ask me if I have used this product, and the answer is yes. I applied it on the Bermuda grass sod project over at the Freedom Factory. That sod rooted in 5 days. (I also applied SeaK mixed in with it)
So, nothing scientific there, but I have used it. It flows great.
You will want to know if it works and is as good as or better than Hydretain. I have no results to give you there yet. As I am writing this section, we do not even have it in stock, but I do have a little of the test gallon I was sent left over, so I am getting ready to fire up the fun potted plant test we do every year with Hydretain. We will put them side by side and see how they do (granular, too).
And I will spray some in my yard and have fun with it, just like I do with any new product that John over at Greene County releases. Part of the fun for me in working with them is getting the opportunity to release professional products to our DIY community. That’s what I’ve been doing now for six years, and this is yet another one – the pros have been using this since early summer, and now we are finally able to get it to you guys! If you want to have fun trying something new, go for it! It’s cheaper than a family night out at McDonalds. And way more fun.
Last thing: for those of you who like to have fun, why not take this liquid Hydr8 and include it in with some RGS (humic fulvic sea kelp) and some Air8 (more penetrations!!) and see how that does on your toughest dry spots? It’s like the “compaction cure” on steroids! Just in time to paint it black yo!
Final note – for those of you who like to read labels: the pro label lets you do some lower rates if you want – down as low as 1.5oz 1000 designed for weekly sprays. You can do that if you want, no problem. That label is available on the Greene County website. Our DIY product is the exact same as the pro s product. The only thing different is the labeled rates. For the DIY label, to keep it simple, Greene County just went with the 3oz 1,000 rate, and you can space that out 4-6 weeks however you see your lawn is responding. It s just easier for DIYers who mostly like hose-end sprayer apps. Realize that you’re not going to raw dog a hose-end sprayer straight into this quart directly – you’d never be able to cover the vastness of 10,600 sq ft in time. The load would all blow out long before you finished covering it all. Instead, you want to take care of 2,000 sq ft at a time, which means diluting this down some in the tank. 6 oz of the concentrate in the hose end sprayer tank, fill it up with water the rest of the way then insert the hose end sprayer top, go spray 2,000 sq ft. Rinse and repeat. Easy.
Product Description from Greene County (N-Ext):
Hydr8 Liquicure improves the infiltration and penetration of applied irrigation water in agricultural crops, ornamental plants, and managed turf. It is formulated to minimize the repellency of hydrophobic soils, enhance adhesive tension, and relieve cohesive tension in water. Applications can be made via hose end and pump sprayers, as well as most irrigation systems.
*Size options and coverage: