Broadleaf Weed Control – Triad Select | Herbicide Fashion

Triad Select™ 3-Way Herbicide utilizes a combination of three selective herbicides to control a wide variety of hard-to-kill broadleaf weeds. This is an excellent all-around 3-way herbicide that is a “bump up” from store-bought herbicides.
- Active ingredients are 2,4-D (30.89%), MCPA ( 8.23%), Dicamba (2.77%)
- Great for treating dandelion, clover, chickweed, wild onion and broadleaf plantain
- Available in multiple sizes *
- 1 Single Quart (32 oz) = covers up to 21,000 sq ft
- 1 Single Gallon (128 oz) = covers up to 84,000 sq ft
Cool-Season Lawns – Kentucky Bluegrass, Turf Type Tall Fescue (all fescues), Ryegrass.
- Warm Season Lawns – Bermuda, Zoysia
NOTE: DO NOT use on centipede or St Augustine grasses.
Application Information:
This is a professional formulation and should be applied from a battery sprayer or pump sprayer. It is not to be applied via a hose-end sprayer.
Recommended: Do not apply if temperatures are over 90F. If temps are that high, apply in the evening when they dip below 90F and elect to spot spray instead of blanket spraying.
Triad Select can be used on the following grass types:
Product Description:
Triad Select is a selective, post-emergent herbicide that contains the same active ingredients, (Dicamba, 2,4D, and MCPA), as many store-bought products. However, you will find that Triad Select contains much higher herbicide formulations. In fact, this product is very similar to the ones the pros use on their routes every day.Here are the common weeds that Triad controls:
Dandelion, Lespedeza, Poison Oak, Wild Carrot, Black Medic, Dockweed, Mallow, Purslane Wild Garlic, Buckhorn, Ground Ivy, Morningglory, Ragweed, Wild Lettuce, Burdock, Peppergrass, Sheep Sorrel, Wild Onion, Chicory, Henbit, Pigweed, Shepherd’s Purse, Yarrow, Chickweed, Knotweed, Plantain, Speedwell, Clover, Lambsquarters, Poison Ivy, SpurgeNote: it is not the best weed killer for ground ivy or creeping charlie. It will stunt it so if you have it use it, but triclopyr is better.
It is not required, but if you want to, you can also add in a non-ionic surfactant to increase the “stickiness” of the Triad weed control.
*Size options and coverage: